Minor paws

Minors Class for dogs over 5.5 Months &
**NEW ** Mini Minors from 16 weeks age + ( Burleigh only)


  • A dog that is well-mannered at home and in public?
  • A dog that willingly focuses on you and is easy to manage?
  • A dog that understands what you ask and is willing to comply?

If so, we can help. Register below

Wouldn’t you love to have a dog that is a joy to be around both at home and in public? A dog that happily focuses on you and is a breeze to handle? A dog that not only comprehends your commands but willingly obeys them? Look no further, because we have the solution!

At Minor Paws, we are committed to helping you build a strong bond with your furry companion while equipping you with essential training skills.  program is designed to take your dog to the basic level of training and beyond, leaving you with a four-legged friend who is a pleasure to be with.

What can you expect from our program?

  1. Comprehensive Training: Learn the fundamentals of dog training and develop a deeper understanding of your dog’s body language. Gain invaluable life handling skills to confidently manage your dog in various situations.
  2. Focus and Calmness: Teach your dog to focus on you and maintain a calm and balanced state of mind around other dogs and in everyday scenarios.
  3. Essential Commands: We’ll work on establishing and reinforcing basic actions such as SIT, DROP, STAY, and reliable recall. Additionally, your dog will master the art of walking politely on a leash.
  4. Fun-Filled Learning: Our classes are designed for fun and engagement. We believe that when both you and your dog enjoy the process, the results are even more rewarding.
  5. Expert Trainers: Our trainers are not only well-versed in dog behaviour but also possess expertise in Human learning. This ensures that you receive the most effective teaching style tailored to your needs

So, if you’re ready to transform your dog into a well-behaved, attentive, and cooperative companion, register today!

Join us in this fulfilling journey of nurturing a strong and positive relationship with your furry friend. Let’s embark on a fun-filled adventure towards better communication and understanding between you and your beloved dog.


Teach your dog to focus on you and display self-control when asked
Improve your dog’s manners in everyday life
Teach useful behaviours like sit, drop, come, stay, and walk on the lead without pulling
Enrichment ideas to do at home
Teach your dog to self calm
Teach your dog saftey and confidence

Select your prefered date and location below!

Attentive puppy watching owner

Minors class is basic training/manners for dogs 6 months and older.

Held Saturday Morning Benowa

8 week course 

*Select PAYG option for subscription $25 per week auto charge for 9 weeks + $25 initial payment

Benowa Saturday

Minors Class is basic training/manners for dogs 6 months+

Held Sun mornings Benowa 

8 week course

*Select PAYG option for subscription $25 per week auto charge for 9 weeks + $25 initial payment

Sunday Benowa
16 weeks age +

** NEW Mini** Minors class is basic training / manners for dogs from 16 weeks old

Held Saturday Afternoon Burleigh Caningeraba State school 

6 week course 

*Select PAYG option for subscription $30 per week auto charge for 5 weeks + $20 initial payment

Burleigh Saturday

Private consults/ sessions available call 0414935641 or email Mail@internationaldogtrainingschool.com