What we offer

International Dog Obedience Training School</h3>
All breeds of dogs are welcome to attend classes. We offer training to the general public in:

Fun, Interactive Classes where we teach you to train your dog
Puppy Socialisation and Behaviour Management
Basic Obedience Classes
Advanced Obedience Classes
Rally Obedience
Tricks classes

Rookie Paws (12 weeks to 16 weeks Puppies) DOG1

Socialisation is important for your new puppy, but so is its health. <br>

To prevent the spread of infectious disease, puppies must have a current inoculation certificate which must be produced. <br> <br>

We strongly recommend puppies under 12 weeks of age attend Puppy Kindy . <br></div>


Minor Paws (5 Months and up)admin-ajax
7 week Course dogs ages 5 months and up.

Learn basic obedience and enhance the relationship with your dog. Learn to read their body language better and gain valuable life handling skills to control your dog in more challenging situations.

Learning focus and maintaining a calm and more balanced state of mind around other dogs and in everyday situations. Teaching your dog and stabilising basic actions such as SIT, DROP, STAY and coming back when called learning to walk nice on leash plus more!
<strong>Major Paws 5 months plus </strong> <br>
Learn more advance obedience and handling skills. Work together as you enhance your teamwork. Further your basic skills and begin distance work.

Major paws ( 6 months Plus) 10196860

A step up from the basics, this class will teach you how to advance your learned skills and generalise behaviours. Learn to work from a distance, and fine tune your skills.


PRO paws 6 months plus
This class is for Advanced dogs and handlers that have successfully completed major paws or equivalent and which to further their training skills and introduce the dog to something new. Agility basics, advanced obedience, basic tricks and fun & games for you and your Dog.11n




Elite Paws ( Bond and Boast) 6 months plus
This is for high skill level dogs who have had all the basics and some advanced work. Bond and Boast – dogs must be competent off lead- Tricks for life, service dog skills, clicker work, shaping, rally and basic agility.
A class for those that want to do more in life with their dog….
Learn how to put together behaviours to achieve your goals …
Foundation skills that can be used in other areas – service or therapy dogs, agility, rally, retrieving.
Awesome tricks for life – A dog that will be able to entertain – the life of the party
A training challenge for you and your dog – your handler skills will be put to the test as you work with precision timing..
Further enhancement of duration and distance work using more subtle hand signals
Learn how To shape and capture behaviours and use a clicker