Major paws 

If you wish to continue training with your dog, we invite you to become a member and join our drop-in advanced classes.

Here you will learn more stability in your training, Tricks, advanced obedience, Working to off leash, longer distance and duration of all exercises as well as an intro to special training and guided help toward your dog training Goals.


This class is the next step after Minors for dogs over 6 months and will improve the skills your dog has learnt so far. We will be teaching close heel work, so your dog will be walking right beside you, which is required if you intend to go onto any sort of showing, or agility, or competitions or to get past a busy group.

Also included will be Stand – so your dog will stand on cue, ideal for visiting the vets or groomers ‘

You will begin to learn how to direct your dog from a distance with hand signals eg sit and drop Recalls from afar – off the lead, always handy at the park and beach too, And to throw in some fun games, an introduction to trick training.
working with more distractions and enhancing behaviour criteria.
 This class will enhance the bond you and your dog are already developing to the next level and its loads of good fun too.
Ideal for handler-dog teams that want just a little bit more of a challenge in varying situations.

To become a member please click the item below. Please advise us of your first day of attendance via text or email. This is a drop in class and you are welcome to attend at any time.

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